传感器/变送器/仪表按厂商品牌选用指南按种类分类选用指南按行业应用选用指南 模块模组 隔离采集仪器仪表 |
产品资料 | 技术资料 | 样例工程 | 产品驱动 | 参考设计 | 应用电路 | 通讯协议 | 使用说明 | 支持软件 | 数据查询 | 问题解答 | 标准法规 | 图书资料 | 基础知识 |
光通信器件组件 | 激光 | 红外 | 紫外 | 精密光学 | LED | 热电堆 | 光电 | 火焰 | 颜色 | 图像 | 光敏 | 光幕 | 红外测温 | 气体分析 |
IR Filter
Stock IR
Filters Check the Stock IR Filter list for your requirement:
Custom IR filters When you can't find a stock IR filter for your requirement, we can help you with custom filters. |
Products: UV filters (200-400 nm) Pyroelectric sensors / detectors Thermopile detectors / sensors |
Infrared - IR - filters are normally combinations of thin film deposition interference filters. Out of band blocking can be achieved by the proper choice of substrate, reflectance filter stacks or by adding absorption glass.
The thin film infrared filters are comprised of stacks of thin layers (of different optical materials) in controlled thicknesses. Light is reflected at each film interface and by the correct choice of parameters can be made to interfere with that from other interfaces, constructively for certain wavelengths giving high reflectance, and destructively for others giving high transmittance. Long wave pass, short wave pass and bandpass filters can be designed and manufactured in this way.
4260nm CWL, 90nm BW Narrow Bandpass Filter | 3000-5000 nm Wide Bandpass Filter |
The applications for IR filters are diverse. EOC supplies a broad range of mid infrared filters and coatings for a variety of detector applications including Pyroelectric, Thermopile, Lead Selenide (PbSe), Lead Salt (PbS) and MerCadTeluride (MCT) Detectors:
To determine your infrared filter requirement consider the kind and intensity of the source, detector characteristics, and optical path geometry. EOC will assist you in selecting a suitable standard IR filter or in developing the specification for a custom-made infrared filter.
Narrow Bandpass Filters (NBP) | NBP
Filter Scans
Narrow bandpass IR filters are designed to isolate a
narrow region of the infrared spectrum. This is
accomplished using a complex process of constructive
and destructive interference.
Wide Bandpass Filters (WBP) | WBP Filter
Wide bandpass filters are designed to isolate a very
wide spectral band. They are classified by having
bandwidths (measured at half peak transmittance
levels) greater than 13%.
Long Wave Pass Filters (LWP) | LWP
Filter Scans
Long Wave Pass filters (also referred to as edge
filters) are constructed from stacks of thin layers.
They are distinguished by a sharp transition from a
zone of rejection to a zone of transmission.
Short Wave Pass Filters (SWP)
Short wave pass filters are distinguished by a sharp
transition from a zone of transmission to a zone of
Neutral Density Filters
The majority of neutral density filters offered are
manufactured with a metallic coating which
attenuates incident light by both reflection and
AR (Anti-Reflection) Coatings | AR
Coating Scans
Capabilities in anti-reflection coatings range from
single layers to advanced high efficiency
multi-layer coatings. These coatings can be applied
to windows, lenses or customer supplied substrates.
IR Filter Technical Notes:
3300nm Long Wave Pass Filter | 2000-5000 nm Anti-Reflective (AR) Coating |
红外测温仪/红外热像仪 常用红外温度传感器系列 常用红外温度传感器及资料下载红外温度传感器模块摸组 一 红外线温度传感器二 红外线温度传感器三 红外线温度传感器 四 一 红外测温模块二 红外测温模块 三 红外测温模块 四 红外火焰探测器红外气体分析器件 红外气体分析原理
热释电红外人体感应传感器系列产品/防盗报警配套元器件 | |||||
红外传感器 | RE200B | KDS209、PIS209 | LHI958、LHI878 | PD632 |
红外专用芯片 | |||||
MB8072 |
M7612 |
菲涅尔透镜 | |||||
菲涅尔透镜选购资料 | |||||
7808 | 8002-1 | 8002-2 | 8102 | ||
透镜图片选型类 | |||||
感应开关,报警器 | |||||
批量生产 | 人体红外感应模块 | 安防防盗报警配套IC |
红外出入口控制探测器 | 吸顶式被动红外探测器 |
被动红外幕帘式防盗探测器 | 被动红外探测器 |
长距离被动红外探测器 | 无限被动红外FR920 |
DS835IT | 三技术红外探测器 |
吸顶式三技术红外探测器 | 长距离三技术红外探测器 |
光电对射探测器 | 单射束光电对射探测器 |
双射束光电对射探测器 | 四射束光电对射探测器 |
操作手册 | 红外测距传感器/距离测量传感器 |
紫外传感器 | 被动式红外传感器 |
汽车尾气四/五气模块 | 红外气体传感器 |
红外发射管 | 红外探测器 |
红外接收管 | 红外非接触测温传感器 |
红外非接触测温模块 | 非接触红外测温仪 |
热释电红外传感器 | 红外中断开关 |
光电编码元件 | 光电组件 |
红外中断开关 | 热电堆传感器 |
紫外光敏管、紫外光管、紫外光电管详细资料下载 | 红外发射二极管 |
SS-101红外线人体感应模块使用说明 SS-968微波感应模块/雷达探测模块使用说明 SS-9261微波感应模块/雷达探测模块使用说明
安防产品 | 主动红外 | 被动红外 | 门窗磁控感应器 |
其它产品 | 电子元器件产品 | 液位传感器 | 接近传感器 |
干簧管 | 磁簧继电器 | 光电传感器 | 液位开关 |
浮子 |
CO 红外探测器 CH4红外探测器 CO2红外探测器 SF6红外探测器 SO2红外探测器 HC红外探测器 |
红外光源 红外光电气体传感器 NDIR红外气体传感器 红外温度传感器 红外气体分析器件 |
CO2红外光源 CH4红外光源 CO红外光源 C3H8红外光源 C4H10红外光源 C2H4红外光源 C2H2红外光源 SF6红外光源 SO2红外光源 HC红外光源 |
09年 制
更多产品请看本公司产品专用销售网站:欢迎索取免费详细资料、设计指南和光盘 ;产品凡多,未能尽录,欢迎来电查询。 中国传感器科技信息网:http://www.sensor-ic.com/SSTKJ工控安防网:http://www.pc-ps.net/ SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/SSTKJ微波光电产品网:HTTP://www.rfoe.net/ 消费电子产品网://www.icasic.com/科技产品网://www.sunstars.cn/传感器销售热线: 地址:深圳市福田区福华路福庆街鸿图大厦9732室 电话:0755-83376489 83376549 83607652 83370250 83370251 83376549 传真:0755-83376182 (0)13902971329 MSN: xjr5@163.com 邮编:518033 E-mail:szss20@163.com QQ: 195847376 深圳赛格展销部:深圳华强北路赛格电子市场9583号 电话:0755-83665529 13823648918 技术支持: 0755-83394033 13501568376 北京分公司:北京海淀区知春路132号中发电子大厦3097号 TEL:010- 18927445855 13823791822 FAX:010-62543996 上海分公司:上海北京东路668号賽格电子市场地下一层D25号 TEL:021- 56703037 13823676822 FAX:021-56703037 西安分公司:西安高新开发区20所(中国电子科技集团导航技术研究所) 西安劳动南路88号电子商城二楼D23号 TEL:4006572198 13072977981 FAX:029-77678271 |