传感器/变送器/仪表按厂商品牌选用指南按种类分类选用指南按行业应用选用指南 模块模组 隔离采集仪器仪表 |
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点击浏览各干簧管厂家产品详细介绍ALEPH OKI celda MKA LUGANA PIC RZMKP SRC MEDER Standex Hermetic Switch CP CLARE REED RELAY COP COTO HAMLIN MEDER MDI水银开关继电器/半导体继电器/军用
Reed Switch Developments Corp. is a pioneer and world leader in the development and packaging of high quality custom and off-the-shelf reed sensor total solutions for a variety of OEM industries. Some of these industries include medical, automotive, marine, agriculture, consumer, environmental, solar energy and many more! Our specialized approach involves working with you to determine your needs and developing the optimal reed switch solution. Utilizing your individual requirements and our unique capabilities, we will then recommend the best switch/sensor, and actuator combination, or we may develop a new switch to meet the demands of your specified application. Our total solution approach, exclusive engineering services and unparalleled customer service set Reed Switch Developments Corp. apart. Reed Switch Developments Corp. is a family-owned company that offers:
更多产品请看本公司产品专用销售网站: 中国传感器科技信息网:http://www.sensor-ic.com/ SSTKJ工控安防网:http://www.pc-ps.net/ SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/ SSTKJ微波光电产品网:HTTP://www.rfoe.net/ 科技产品网://www.sunstars.cn/传感器销售热线: 地址:深圳市福田区福华路福庆街鸿图大厦9732室 电话:0755-83376489 83376549 83607652 83370250 83370251 83376549 传真:0755-83376182 (0)13902971329 MSN: xjr5@163.com 邮编:518033 E-mail:szss20@163.com QQ: 195847376 深圳赛格展销部:深圳华强北路赛格电子市场9583号 电话:0755-83665529 13823648918 技术支持: 0755-83394033 13501568376 欢迎索取免费详细资料、设计指南和光盘 ;产品凡多,未能尽录,欢迎来电查询。 北京分公司:北京海淀区知春路132号中发电子大厦3097号 TEL:010- 18927445855 13823791822 FAX:010-62543996 上海分公司:上海市北京东路668号賽格电子市场地下一层D25号 TEL:021- 56703037 13823676822 FAX:021-56703037 西安分公司:西安高新开发区20所(中国电子科技集团导航技术研究所) 西安劳动南路88号电子商城二楼D23号 TEL: 18926764199 FAX:029-77678271 |